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ANTAM Supports Ministry of Environment and Forestry Program on Development of Ecoriparian in Teluk Jambe - Citarum

News Releases

Jakarta, February 9, 2019 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) announced that the Company through the Gold Mining Business Unit (UBPE) and the Precious Metals Processing and Refinery Business Unit (UBPP LM) supported the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) programs to reduce the watershed pollution in Citarum and Ciliwung river.  

ANTAM through the UBPE and UBPP LM commits to support the development of Ecoriparian in Teluk Jambe - Citarum which initiated by the Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control, KLHK. Meanwhile, in the previous, ANTAM has supported the KLHK programs on development of Ecoriparian in Sregseng Sawah - Ciliwung.        

ANTAM's Operations Director, Hari Widjajanto, said:

“We are strongly support the development of Ecoriparian in Teluk Jambe - Citarum which   develop based on edutourism concept. The ecoriparian area is equipped with domestic waste treatment facility and integrated wetland facility to accommodate sport, tourism and environmental education activities. ANTAM have a solid commitment to support the eco-innovation based activity as well as development of community environmental based program.”        

In relation of development the Teluk Jambe - Citarum’s Ecoriparian, ANTAM UBPE active contribution was reflecting in the form of support in bridge construction activity which connected the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) facility, distribution of plant pots which produced from inorganic recycle waste, distribution of productive fruit plants and initiation in jogging track facility construction of 700 x 2 sq. meter. The jogging track material will be supplied with Green Fine Aggregate (GFA), the construction material which processed from residual waste material as a by product from gold & silver extraction process in ANTAM’s gold mine facility in Pongkor, West Java.

In addition, ANTAM UBPP LM has provide the active contribution through the implementation of community development program called community gold instalment program through recycling “waste bank” program namely “Nyicil Emas” (Nyimas) Program.
