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ANTAM, Regional-Owned Enterprises of South Sulawesi and East Luwu Form Joint Venture for Nickel Development

News Releases

Makassar, September 13, 2024 – PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM), member of PT Mineral Industri Indonesia (Persero) (MIND ID), The State-Owned Enterprise of Mining Industry, has established a partnership with PT Sulsel Citra Indonesia (Perseroda) or SCI and PT Luwu Timur Gemilang (Perseroda) or LTG to form a joint venture for the development of nickel mining in the Pongkeru Block, East Luwu, South Sulawesi.

This partnership was signed by ANTAM President Director Nico Kanter, LTG Director Iwan Usman, and Acting SCI President Director Machmud Achmad. South Sulawesi Governor Zudan Arif Fakrulloh and East Luwu Regent Budiman were also witnessing the signing.

ANTAM President Director Nico Kanter explained that establishing this joint venture is a form of synergy between State-Owned Enterprises and Regional-Owned Enterprises in optimizing nickel potential in the Pongkeru Block.

“This collaboration is an important step in managing nickel resources responsibly and sustainably, following the principles of good mining practice. We believe this collaboration between State-Owned Enterprises and Regional-Owned Enterprises will provide long-term added value for the national nickel industry,” said Nico.

ANTAM, as the majority shareholder, takes the lead in this collaboration. SCI and LTG, as the Provincial and Regency Regional-Owned Enterprises, respectively, play a supporting role with minority shares. This strategic distribution of shares is designed to enhance the role of Regional-Owned Enterprises in the mining industries and create real benefits for regional income and the community, including increasing welfare and new job opportunities.

“We are sure that with the support of stakeholders, this joint venture will contribute to the development of the local economy and community welfare,” added Nico.

This joint venture will manage the mining area in the Pongkeru Block WIUPK (Special Mining Business Licence Area) in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. T-304/MB.04/MEM.B/2024. In the future, this company is expected to become a key player in the nickel business chain in Indonesia, with optimal contribution to the national mining sector.

