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ANTAM Encourages Banjarmasin's Millennial on Development of Enterpreneurship Sense

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Banjarmasin, March 30, 2019 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) is pleased to announce that the Company has conducted entrepreneurship socialization to a hundreds of millennial in Banjarmasin through the creation of Creative Class on entrepreneurship for the millennials. This program was held by ANTAM to commemorate the 21st Anniversary of the Ministry of State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) and was attended by students from Lambung Mangkurat University and Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs).

In Banjarmasin Creative Class, millennials are taught to have anti-mainstream perspectives and attitudes, then follow with action plans and processes in pioneering, running and developing entrepreneurship.

ANTAM's Director of Human Capital & CSR, Johan N.B. Nababan said:

“Creative Class aims to improve the competence of the millennial generation in facing global competition through life skills-based learning.”

“Indonesia is a rich country, especially mineral resources and human resources. This Creative Class can be utilized so that human resources in Banjarmasin can find creative ideas for processing mineral resources.”

Johan further revealed, as a state-owned enterprise, the company is committed to perform the function as a agent of development that is  in line with the functions of value-added creator agents.

This is realized by creating economic development stimulus, public benefit, pioneering business activities and people's economy. According to him, SOEs have given tangible results and works for the country.

Banjarmasin Creative Class presents four main discussion topics, concerning E-Commerce, Culinary Business, Creative Synergy in Business Development, and also Public Speaking.

Creative Classes are expected to be able to create smart and clever business people to take advantage of opportunities with teamwork. Millennials are also encouraged to optimize time to be more efficient, thus creating a systemic working pattern and not forgetting to think of benefits for many people.

 Creative Classes are expected to be able to create smart and clever business people to take advantage of opportunities with teamwork. Millennials are also encouraged to optimize time to be more efficient, thus creating a systemic working pattern and not forgetting to think of benefits for many people.

In Creative Class, ANTAM collaborates with motivator M. Aqil Baihaqi. "Equip yourself with the required knowledge and abilities that can be sharpened. But the most important thing in the business world is attitude, "said Aqil.

"Last but not lease, is learning from experienced mentors. Go, learn from experience, "added the man who called Coach Abbay.
