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ANTAM is Part of MNC36 Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange

News Releases

Jakarta, May 21, 2018 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) is pleased to announce the Company has been part of the MNC36 Index in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period of May to October 2018. The MNC36 Index lists of 36 shares listed in IDX selected based on market capitalization criteria, transaction liquidity and fundamental factors.

ANTAM’s Finance Director, Dimas Wikan Pramudhito said:

“The inclusion of ANTAM’s shares in MNC36 Index reflects the positive appreciation from shareholders of the Company’s shares performance. The MNC36 Index is expected to be a reference for the investors and potential investors to invest in ANTAM’s shares. ANTAM is committed to delivered positive returns to shareholders and stakeholders through downstream project and optimize the Company’s business operations.”

ANTAM’s shares were also actively traded in the IDX, during April 2018, ANTAM closing share price reached Rp845 per share, improved by 22% compared to the closing price of April 2017 which amounted to Rp695 per share. ANTAM’s positive shares performance were also reflected on daily average trading shares volume  during the period of January - April 2018 (4M18) which reached 88.78 million shares, increased by 91% compared to the daily average trading shares volume during January - April 2017 (4M17) of 46.59 million shares. In 4M18, the ANTAM share daily average trading value reached Rp74.57 billion, rose 98% compared to 4M17 of Rp37.57 billion. By the of April 2018, ANTAM’s total investor reached 33,979 investors.
