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ANTAM Receives Two Green Proper Awards and Five Blue Proper Awards from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry

News Releases

Jakarta, 24 November 2015 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ASX - ATM; IDX – ANTM; ANTAM) is pleased to announce that the company has received the 2015 Green PROPER and Blue PROPER awards from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The awards were presented to ANTAM's Operations Director Agus Zamzam Jamaluddin by the Minister of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia Siti Nurbaya Bakar on November 23rd, 2015 at Bidakara Hotel Jakarta.

ANTAM Operations Director Agus Zamzam Jamaluddin said:
"The awards reflect our commitment in the implementation of good environmental management within and outside our operating areas. ANTAM is consistently improving its environmental management and monitoring practices through compliance of environmental regulations. The Green PROPER rating indicates our activities are beyond compliance in accordance with basic PROPER principles as stipulated by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry."

In PROPER 2015, ANTAM's Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit and Precious Metals Processing and Refinery Business Unit received the Green PROPER rating. Meanwhile, ANTAM's Southeast Sulawesi Nickel Mining Business Unit, North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit and Tayan Bauxite Mining Business Unit received the Blue PROPER rating. ANTAM's subsidiary PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya and sub-subsidiary PT Citra Tobindo Sukses Perkasa also received the Blue PROPER Rating. In the Mineral dan Coal Mining category, the Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit received a score of 350.5 and was the only mineral mining entity besides coal miners achieving Green PROPER rating. The Precious Metals Processing and Refinery Business Unit received a score of 350.5 and was one of two mineral processing entities achieving Green PROPER rating.

The PROPER rating is held by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, assessing entitie's performance in environmental management practices. The 2015 PROPER assessed entities from 10 groups, namely (1) Palm Oil Processing; (2) Oil and Gas Exploration; (3) Coal Mining and Mineral Mining; (4) F&B; Consumer Goods, Milk; (5) LNG, Oil and Gas Refinery Unit, Cement, Fertiliser, Coal Fired Power Plant, Pulp, Petrochemicals, Metals Smelting; (6) Sugar; (7) Geothermal, Steam Gas Power Plant, Gas Power Plant; (8) Pharmacy, Shoes Industry, Paper, Chemicals; (9) Automotive, Automotive Component, Minerals Processing, Metal Processing, Electronics; and (10) Oil and Gas Distribution.

The assessment of Green PROPER rating covers the Summary of Environmental Document, Environmental Management System, Resources Use (energy efficiency, reduction of emission and green house gases, water efficiency, reduction and use of hazardous waste, 3R, biodiversity) and Community Development.

The assessment of PROPER evaluates two major aspects: observance and beyond compliance. The Gold and Green PROPER rating indicate an entity has exceeded the required government standards on environmental management. Blue rating indicates an entity has met the required standard whilst Red and Black rating indicate an entity has yet or has not met the required standards.
