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ANTAM in a Glance
ANTAM in a Glance

ANTAM in a Glance

ANTAM, member of MIND ID (Mining Industry Indonesia), the SOE's Holding Mining Industry is a vertically integrated, export-oriented, diversified mining and metals company. With operations spread throughout the mineral-rich Indonesian archipelago, ANTAM undertakes all activities from exploration, excavation, processing through to marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite and coal.

The company has long term loyal blue chip customers in Europe and Asia. Due to the vastness of the company's licensed exploration areas as well as its known large holdings of high quality reserves and resources, ANTAM has formed several joint ventures with international partners to profitably develop geological ore bodies into profitable mines.

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ANTAM in a NutShell 1
ANTAM in a NutShell 2
ANTAM in a NutShell 3

ANTAM in a NutShell

The company generates healthy cash flows, and has prudent capital management. The company became a limited liability state-controlled company in 1968 with the merger of several single commodity mining companies. In 1997, the company conducted an initial public offering (IPO) and listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and 35% were sold by the government to the public, to raise money for a ferronickel expansion. In 1999, ANTAM listed its shares in Australia as a foreign exempt entity and then in 2002 augmented its status to the more stringent ASX Listing.
ANTAM's objectives are centered on increasing shareholder value. The company's main objective is to enhance shareholder value by lowering costs while profitably expanding operations in a sustainable manner. The strategy maintains focus on ANTAM's core business of nickel, gold and bauxite with a view to maximizing output in order to increase cash generation and lower unit costs. ANTAM plans to sustain growth through reliable expansion projects, strategic alliances, increasing quality reserves and adding value by moving away from selling raw materials and History increasing processing activities. ANTAM will also maintain financial strength.

By generating as much cash as possible ANTAM ensures it will have sufficient funds to repay debts, finance continued growth and pay dividends. Lowering costs means operating more efficiently and productively, as well as increasing capacity to benefit from economies of scale.
As a mining company, ANTAM realizes its operations have a direct impact on the surrounding environment and nearby communities. Environmental sustainability and community development are not viewed merely as being socially responsible, but also as risk management. The characteristic of mining in Indonesia is that it plays a big role in the development of remote areas and so given the mine's large role in community development it is crucial to operate not as an outsider but as a member of the community and a good corporate citizen and thereby reduce the likelihood of business interruptions. ANTAM believes environmental sustainability and proactive community development are necessary to successfully operate a mine. Serious attention to natural conservation efforts and proactive participation in community development are one of the keys to successful mining activities.

ANTAM's major shareholder, subsidiaries & associates entity can be downloaded here.




Tanudiredja, Wibisana, Rintis & Rekan
Plaza 89
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7 No. 6
Jakarta 12940
Tel. (62-21) 521 2901
Fax. (62-21) 529 05555 / 529 05050


Anthony Hubert Kearney
Lansdowne Financial Pty Ltd

Suite 201, 1/60-80 Walker Street
North Sydney, NSW 2060
Tel. (61) 414 676 004
E-Mail: [email protected]


PT Datindo Entrycom
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28
Jakarta 10120
Tel. (62-21) 350 8077
Fax. (62-21) 350 8078
E-Mail: [email protected]


Computershare Investor Services Pty
Yarra Falls, 452 Johnston Street
Abbotsford Victoria 3067
Australia Tel. (61-3) 9415 5000
Fax. (61-3) 9473 2570


PT Pemeringkatan Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO)
Panin Tower Senayan City 17th Floor
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot.19
Jakarta 10270
Tel. (62-21) 727 82380
Fax. (62-21) 727 82370

Standard Standard and Poor's International Llc
12 Marina Boulevard
#23-01 Marina Bay Financial Center Tower 3
Singapore 018982
Tel. (65) 643 82881
Fax. (65) 643 82320



ANTAM's Vision 2030 :

To become a leading global corporation through diversification and integrated natural-resource based business

ANTAM's Mission 2030 :


To provide high quality products with a view of achieving maximum added value through best industry practices and competitive operational performance.


To optimize resources with emphasis on sustainability, occupational safety and environmental conservation


To maximize the shareholder and stakeholder value.


To improve the employee's competency and welfare as well as the independency of the communities In the vicinity of the operational areas.

Our Strategy

Our main objective is to enhance shareholder value by lowering costs while profitably expanding operations in a sustainable manner.

Our strategy is to focus on our core business. We ask ourselves, “how can we generate the most value from our reserves?” We build on our existing strengths to ensure long term profitability. By maximizing output we increase cash generation and lower unit costs.

We sustain growth through reliable expansion projects, strategic alliances, acquisitions, increasing quality reserves and adding value by moving away from selling raw materials and increasing processing activities.

We maintain financial strength. By generating as much cash as possible we ensure we have the funds to repay our debts, finance our continued growth and pay dividends.

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Our Cultures and Values

ANTAM has values and norms of behavior that must be obeyed and implemented in the daily work of all levels of the Company. Corporate Culture plays an important role in managing the Company's human resources in an effort to realize the Company's Vision, Mission and Targets. Employees are required to understand and follow ANTAM's values and culture as guidelines.

Furthermore, on July 1, 2020, the Ministry of SOE issued Circular No. SE-7/MBU/07/2020 concerning the Core Values of SOE Human Resources. The purpose of the issuance of this Circular is to have every State-Owned Enterprise Human Resources to be aware of, implements and internalizes the Core Values of Human Resources of State- Owned Enterprises seriously, consistently and consequently, thus giving birth to daily behavior and shaping the work culture of State-Owned Enterprises that is in line with these Core Values. Every State-Owned Enterprise is obliged to apply the Core Values of State-Owned Enterprise Human Resources to become a Corporate Culture and become the basis for shaping the character of human resources within State-Owned Enterprises, Subsidiaries, and Affiliated Companies Consolidated.

For more information related Corporate Culture and Value can be found under following link.

ANTAM is a good, solid, long term mining investment

<p>Good shareholder returns: strong financial position to make investments</p>

Good shareholder returns: strong financial position to make investments

<p>Experienced management and a well governed company</p>

Experienced management and a well governed company

<p>Four decades of sustainable and success operation</p>

Four decades of sustainable and success operation

<p>Good future prospects with vast quality reserves yet to be developed.</p>

Good future prospects with vast quality reserves yet to be developed.

<p>Vertically integrated operation</p>

Vertically integrated operation

<p>Diversified assets base</p>

Diversified assets base

<p>Proven ability to locate and develop deposits into profitable well run mines</p>

Proven ability to locate and develop deposits into profitable well run mines

<p>Exciting project pipeline in nickel, gold and alumina</p>

Exciting project pipeline in nickel, gold and alumina

<p>Proven ability to locate and develop deposits into profitable well run mines</p>

Proven ability to locate and develop deposits into profitable well run mines

<p>Has long-term and loyal customers</p>

Has long-term and loyal customers

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