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Product Responsibility

ANTAM applies quality control system in maintaining and improving the quality of its mining products. The quality control system has the function to reduce operational costs, and at the same time improve the production quality.

As a national company with international standard, ANTAM received the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) certification, for gold bar product eligibility to be sold at national and international marke.

As part of the Company’s efforts to improve customer service, ANTAM regularly conducts customer satisfaction surveys. This survey aims to maintain the Company’s performance and obtain feedback from customers on the services that have been provided. In 2023, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) measurement for precious metal products reached a score of 85.61, an increase of 1.16 points from the 2022 score. As for base metal products which include ferronickel, nickel ore, and bauxite products, in 2023 customer satisfaction score reached 90.63 increased 5.76 points from the 2022.

For more information on ANTAM's customers and products, may catch under following link.

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