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ESG Activities

ANTAM Biodiversity Protection of Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit through Green Tour for Kolaka Future


PT ANTAM Tbk (“ANTAM”) Kolaka Nickel Mining Business carries out efforts to protect biodiversity both in water areas and on land. One of these efforts is conducting the Green Tour for Kolaka Future Program, through sustainable reclamation activities carried out in TLE-TLF Hill as a form of ex-situ conservation that aims to preserve biodiversity in the reclamation area and develop endemic and protected flora/fauna conservation. This program aims to maintain natural forest areas as buffer zones and habitats for various types of wildlife. For every biodiversity protection and management activity carried out by ANTAM Kolaka Nickel Mining Business, there is an inventory of the types and numbers of flora and fauna found during monitoring. This inventory data can be used to find out the Biodiversity Index  of programs carried out by the Companies.

The Green Tour for Kolaka Future program has had an impact on increasing biodiversity in the TLE-TLF Hill conservation area. Until 2024, fauna from the Reptile class were found to be recorded as Lizards (Eutropis sp.) and Flying Lizards (Draco sp.). In addition, mammals were also found, namely Digo Monkey (Macaca ochreata) and Wild Boar (Sus sp.). Based on the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) red list, the Digo Monkey (Macaca ochareata) is classified as a species of mammal that is vulnerable to extinction (Vulnerable, VU) and is classified as an Appendix II status in international trade supervision (CITES). This type is endemic to Southeast Sulawesi. The data on the increase in the number of individuals from flora and fauna in the TLE-TLF area is shown in the following graph.


Number of Plant Individuals (Flora) on TLE-TLF Hill
Source: Flora and Fauna Monitoring Report of ANTAM Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit

Number of Individual Animals (Fauna) on TLE-TLF Hill
Source: Flora and Fauna Monitoring Report of ANTAM Kolaka Nickel Mining Business unit

In the latest monitoring, new records were found on bird species, namely Wiwik Uncuing (Cacomantis sepulcralis), Kengkareng Sulawesi (Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus), Mountain glasses (Zosterops montanus), Kehicap Sulawesi (Ptilinopus melanospilus), Walik Kembang (Ptilinopus melanospilus), Sea Kedasi (Chrysococcyx minutulus), Gemak Loreng (Turnix suscitato). Several types of birds are protected based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number P.106/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2018, namely the Bondol Eagle (Haliastur indus), Kangkareng Sulawesi (Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus), and Serindit Sulawesi (Loriculus stigmatus). The three types of birds are also included in the Appendix II category in international trade regulations (CITES, 2022). In addition, ten species are endemic birds of Sulawesi, namely Sulawesi Serindit (Loriculus stigmatus), Sulawesi Kehicap (Hypothymis puella), Gray-pelvic chili (Dicaeum celebicum), Yellow-pelvic chili (Dicaeum aureolimbatum), Kangkareng Sulawesi (Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus), Sulawesi Kepudang-sungu (Edolisoma morio), Caladi Sulawesi (Yungipicus temminckii), Sulawesi Eagle (Nisaetus lanceolatus), and Sulawesi Lizard (Rhamphococcyx calyorhynchus). Based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN-red list) (IUCN, 2022), there is a species classified in the endangered category, namely Kangkareng Sulawesi (Rhabdotorrhinus exarhatus) with the Vulnerable/VU category. In this observation, a new type of insect was also found, namely Butterfly Danaus Affinis. This butterfly is a species that is vulnerable to extinction (Vulnerable, VU).

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