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ESG Activities

Monitoring Report on Terrestrial Fauna and Marine Life of ANTAM Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit Year 2021

Business Unit Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit
Tittle Monitoring Report on Terrestrial Fauna and Marine Life of ANTAM Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit Year 2021
Author -
Publisher Identity CV. Literasi Nusantara Abadi
Financial Year 2021 
Synopsis PT ANTAM Tbk (“ANTAM”) Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit is a business unit that mines and processes nickel ore into ferronickel. The Company is responsible for environmental management and monitoring activities as stated in the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) document. In the environmental documents of the EIA that have been approved by the Environmental Feasibility Decree No. 188.45/162/2014 and the Environmental Permit of the Regent of Kolaka Southeast Sulawesi Province No. 188.45/244/2017, the Company must carry out monitoring activities on flora and fauna. In 2021, ANTAM Kolaka Nickel Mining Business Unit remains committed to monitoring flora and fauna in the company's area to identify and find out changes in flora and fauna conditions that occur periodically, both on land and in river and sea waters. The results of flora and fauna monitoring activities will benefit the initiators and related stakeholders.


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