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ANTAM and the Indonesian Public Prosecutor Office Signs MoU on Legal Advocacy

News Releases

Jakarta, August 14, 2015 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ASX: ATM; IDX: ANTM; ANTAM) is pleased to announce that the company has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Public Prosecutor Office of the Republic of Indonesia and the respective Chief Prosecutor Office within the areas where ANTAM has business operations, with regard to the provision of legal advocacy to ANTAM on civil law and state administration law issues. The MoU were signed on August 14th 2015 in Jakarta between ANTAM's President Director Tedy Badrujaman and the Deputy General Prosecutor of Civil and State Administration Nur Rochmad, as well as between the management head of each Business Unit of ANTAM and the Head of the Chief Prosecutor Office of the respective area of such Business Unit.

ANTAM's President Director Tedy Badrujaman stated:
"The signing of this MOU evidents ANTAM's commitment to complying with the prevailing regulations, which are applicable to the operations of ANTAM's business units and subsidiaries. Through this cooperation, ANTAM as a State Owned Entity, seeks to benefit from consultancy and advocacy supports of the Public Prosecutor Office, especially with regard to civil law and state administrative law issues."

16 MoUs were signed during the event, in accordance with the scope of agreement that comprises the advocacy on civil law and state administrative law issues for all business units and subsidiaries of ANTAM in Indonesia. For which, the respective General Manager of ANTAM's Business Units, the Subsidiaries' Directors and Project Heads of ANTAM signed the MoU with the Head of Chief Prosecutor of Jambi, West Java, Banten, West Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, North Maluku, and Papua Province, accordingly.

On the same day of the MoU signing, ANTAM also held a workshop on "The Role of the Public Prosecutor as the State Attorney with regard to Civil Law and State Administration Law Issues encountered by State-Owned Companies". The workshop was attended by ANTAM's Directors, Business Units/Units General Managers, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents and Subsidiaries' Directors. The workshop speakers were the Director of Rights Protection and Recovery of the Deputy Attorney General for the Civil and State Administration Law, Agoes Djaja, and the State Attorneys, Heri H. Horo dan Asep Mulyana.
