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ANTAM Conducts 2016 Ramadhan Safari Program

News Releases

Jakarta, June 27, 2016  - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM; ASX – ATM; IDX – ANTM) is pleased to announce that the company has conducted Ramadhan ‘Safari’ activities at the Southeast Sulawesi Nickel Mining Business Unit, North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit, Gold Mining Business Unit, Tayan Bauxite Mining Business Unit, Precious Metal & Refinery Business Unit, Cibaliung Gold Mine, ANTAM’s Head Office and Geomin Unit.

ANTAM’s Human Capital & CSR Director, I Made Surata said, 
" On behalf of ANTAM, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to all stakeholders in supporting the Ramadhan ‘Safari’ program. I also would like to thank everyone in making the Ramadan bazaars a success. These programs are part of our corporate social responsibility activities. "

In addition to the company’s own Ramadhan ‘Safari’ activities, ANTAM also participated in the similar program called SOE for the Nation. The program was held by the Ministry of State-owned Enterprises. During the event, ANTAM conducted bazaar and provided donation to orphans in the Landak District, West Kalimantan; Kolaka Regency and North Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi; East Halmahera District, North Maluku and Bogor District West Java.

ANTAM also held similar events together with PT Indonesia Asahan Alumunium (Persero) (INALUM) in the Mempawah District, West Kalimantan. In Sanggau District, West Kalimantan, ANTAM held similar programs with Perum BULOG. During the bazaars, ANTAM provided food packages containing 10 kg of rice, 2 kg of sugar and 2 liter of palm oil. Each package, worth between Rp150,000 to Rp220,000, was sold for Rp25,000.

Proceed from the sales were donated to local organizers of religious facilities. During the events, ANTAM provided 4,500 food packages and donated 3,434 orphans.
