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ANTAM Receives Four Proper Awards From The Ministry Of Environment

News Releases

Jakarta, November 29th, 2010 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM; ASX - ATM; IDX - ANTM) is pleased to announce it receives four Awards of the Environmental Performance Rating Program (PROPER) from the Ministry of Environment. Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Boediono, presented the award to Senior Vice President of ANTAM’s Gold Mining Business Unit SW Wawan Herawan on November 26th, 2010, at Balai Sudirman, Jakarta.

ANTAM’s Gold Mining Business Unit at Pongkor, West Java receives the Green PROPER Award while the Southeast Sulawesi Nickel Mining Business Unit, the North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit, and the Logam Mulia Precious Metals Processing and Refinery Business Unit each receives Blue PROPER Award.

ANTAM’s Operations Director, Winardi, said:

“We are pleased to be able to augment our environmental management record by receiving Green award for the Gold Mining Business Unit and Blue award for the Southeast Sulawesi Nickel Mining Business Unit, the North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit, and the Logam Mulia Precious Metals Processing and Refinery Business Unit. These awards reflect our commitment in environmental management and monitoring efforts.”

The evaluation of 2010 PROPER Award is based on Law No. 32/2009 on Environmental Protection and Management. The Gold and Green awards indicate a company meets or exceeds the  government’s regulations and law on  environmental handling. Blue award indicates a company complies with the existing regulations and law while Red and Black awards indicate a company does not meet the criteria of the existing regulations and law on environmental handling.

In 2009, ANTAM’s Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit received a Green award while the Southeast Sulawesi Nickel Mining Business Unit received a Blue award.

The 2010 PROPER award was  the third consecutive award for the Pongkor Gold Mining Business Unit and the first award for the North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit and the Logam Mulia Precious Metals  Processing and Refinery Business Unit.

The Green PROPER Award indicates ANTAM’s environmental handling exceeds the existing law and regulations. The award also highlights ANTAM’s conservation and resources management through the implementation of 4R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recovery) principles and CSR programs. The Blue PROPER Award reflects ANTAM’s environmental handling meets the criteria of the existing law and regulations.
