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ANTAM's Strengthen Gold Business Inline with Gold Commodities Prices Rally

News Releases

Jakarta, June 20, 2016  - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM; ANTAM) is pleased to announced that the Company continues to innovate its gold business to capitalize the trend rising of global gold commodity prices. Some of the innovations which being developed are exploratory initiatives on Free Trade Agreement Skim to support the development of Company’s jewelry business.

ANTAM’s President Director, Tedy Badrujaman said:
" In 1Q16, gold become the biggest sales contributor which approached to 80% of total sales. Gold has a crucial role to continue for its grown especially to increase the Company’s revenue. Through the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) certification as a guarantee for the purity & quality of ours precious metal products, we believe that it will increase the Company’s gold business in the future. "

Nowadays, ANTAM are exploring several opportunities to expand Company’s gold business, including the utilization of the Free Trade Agreement between ASEAN and East Asian countries. ANTAM, through the Precious Metal Processing and Refinery Business Unit (UBPP LM), also provides jewelry products which combine with Indonesian engraved gold bar Batik motifs. Recently one of the world’s financial mogul are also making substantial investments in gold mining stock company, which are indicated a positive outlook for gold amid the global economic volatility.

ANTAM always continuous the development on gold business, including the precious metal purchasing and saving services, called BRANKAS, which is offered by the UBPP LM. Currently, ANTAM offers three BRANKAS services: “Corporate BRANKAS”, “BRANKAS Berzakat” and “Individual BRANKAS”. In addition, to support gold market expansion, ANTAM has opened thirteen LM Gold Boutique which spread in various major cities in Indonesia such as Jakarta (2 boutiques), Bandung, Surabaya (2 boutiques), Makassar, Palembang, Semarang, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Medan, Denpasar and Yogyakarta.
