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ANTAM Receives Best Overall Indonesia Good Corporate Governance Award II 2016

News Releases

Jakarta, December 30, 2016    - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM; ASX – ATM; IDX – ANTM) is pleased to announce the Company has received 2 (two) recognitions at the Indonesia Good Corporate Governance Award II 2016 (IGCGA-II-2016). During the event, ANTAM received The Best Overall as well as ranked Outstanding (A) in the Metal and Other Mineral Mining category. The awards were presented by Economic Review CEO Irlisa Rachmadiana and Deputy Commissioner 1 of Banking of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Mulia Effendi Siregar to ANTAM’s President Commissioner General TNI (Ret.) Fachrul Razi, S.Ip., S.H., M.H. and ANTAM’s Development Director Johan NB. Nababan at Balai Kartini Jakarta.

ANTAM’s Development Director Johan NB Nababan said:
" As natural resources based company, we are committed to observing the implementation of good corporate governance in managing Indonesia’s natural resources wealth. The awards indicate our conformity to the GCG principles implementation throughout our operational activities, in addition to the implementation of good mining practice. "

The IGCGA-II-2016 recognizes entities with outstanding GCG implementation. Judging of the winners was based on objective, fair and independent assessment. There were three scoring groups: Outstanding (A with score = 85), Best (B with score = 75 - 85), and Fair (C with score = 60 -75). Assessment of IGCGA-II-2016 included: Company’s audited financial statement (25%), Annual Report (40%), GCG Infrastructure (20%), GCG Soft Structure (10%), and Disclosure of Company’s challenges (5%).
