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ANTAM Records Total Gold Sales in August 2016 of 7.56 ton

News Releases

Jakarta, September 15, 2016   - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM; ANTAM) is pleased to announce that in August 2016 ANTAM’s total gold sales reached 7,567 kg or 66% from annual gold sales target. ANTAM’s seeks to optimize gold sales as commodity prices rising trend with undertake innovation of market expansion, export market mainly through utilizing Free Trade Agreement scheme to ASEAN, Middle East and East Asia markets and also the innovation of gold jewelry products.

ANTAM’s Marketing Director, Hari Widjajanto said,
" In first half of 2016, gold sales is the largest contributor of ANTAM’s revenue amounted at Rp2.84 trillion or 68%. ANTAM gold product is certified international standard and guarantee purity is 99.99%. Precious Metal Processing and Refinery Business Unit (UBPP LM) is the only gold processing and refinery plant in Indonesia which has been London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) certified. "

With the gold specification of LBMA standards which owned by ANTAM, ANTAM’s gold bar products included in the criteria of gold products that can be invested on the source of funds repatriation tax amnesty program in Finance Minister Regulation (PMK) of the Republic of Indonesia No. 122/PMK.08/2016 on Investment of Repatriated Funds related to Tax Amnesty in Non-Financial Market the Context of the Tax Forgiveness .

ANTAM’s potential gold metal base on Competent Person's Report by December 31, 2015 reached 31.4 tonnes. In development of the ANTAM’s gold potential, in addition to organic development with the exploration of the new gold mine resources, inorganic growth, ANTAM together with PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) and PT Smelting (PTS) have signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) regarding the development of Anode Slime Processing and Precious Metal Refinery (PMR). Therefore ANTAM’s gold potential can grow continuously.

ANTAM currently preparing the development of jewelry products, which will be combined with gold batik motif. ANTAM also developing services Corporate BRANKAS, Zakat BRANKAS and Individual BRANKAS. ANTAM currently also has 13 Gold Boutique in various major cities in Indonesia.
