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The Inauguration of Sport Facility with Capacity of 500 People in East Halmahera by Director General of Mineral and Coal

News Releases

Maba, March 1, 2019 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) is pleased to announce that the Director General of Mineral and Coal, Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Bambang Gatot Ariyono has inaugurated the “Fermento” football field with capacity of 500 spectator on February 26, 2019, in Buli, East Halmahera. This was marked by the signing of an inscription, witnessed by Member of VII Commission of the House of Representatives, Tjatur Sapto Edy and Regional Assistant III of East Halmahera Regency, Thamrin Bahara. This activity is one part of ANTAM's Community Development andEmpowerment (PPM) program in East Halmahera.

ANTAM's President Director, Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo, said:

"We are pleased to accomplish the construction of sports facilities in Buli, East Halmahera as a part of ANTAM's Community Development and Empowerment Program. The development of sports facility is part of Company's Sustainable Community Development Program which were oriented on providing basic social services for the community such as the contruction of educational Infrastructure, health, economic, social and cultural, sports, disaster management and public facilities."

The “Fermento” football field has been built by ANTAM since 2016 as a part of Company’s  PPM multiyear program. These facility also equipped with a spectator tribune of 28 x 4 sq. meter to improve the utilization sport facility by the local community.

In relation with the implementation of Corporate PPM program, ANTAM conducts the community assistance program which is oriented to strengthen community economy capability.  In relation with the inauguration event, The Director General of Mineral and Coal also pay a visit to Company’s PPM prime program such as the local Buli Coffee product and the Monge’s Anchovy fish products.

The Buli’s Coffee is a pioneer product of local robusta coffee in East Halmahera which was developed and initiated by a synergy between ANTAM and the community since 2017. On the initiation stage, the program was covering a 89-hectare plantation and successfully harvested a 39 kg of coffee bean. In 2018, the bean production was growing up to 517% and delivered a 241 kg of coffee bean to the customer.  

Besides the Buli’s Coffee, another prime Company’s PPM product is the Monge’s Anchovy fish processed products which is developed by a synergy among ANTAM and the community with the aims to improve the quality of fish catches, created the diversify processed of products and formed the Cooperatives to expand the fish product marketing. The Monge’s Anchovy fish was processed in Samarake Village and has derivative processed product such as crispy anchovy, anchovy sauce, fish jerky and other products. These products have been marketed to several shopping centers in Buli including at Sultan Babullah Airport in Ternate.

Another Corporate's PPM program that visited by Director General of Mineral and Coal is  School Development Program (SDP). The SDP program has succeed to promotes the interactive teaching & learning method in class room. The SDP program also helps the school principal to implement national education curriculum standard as well as facilitates the community participation to improve the quality of schooling program.
