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The Synergize Formation Between SUCOFINDO & ANTAM Ready to Support Mining Services

News Releases

Jakarta (27/11/2017) - PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) and PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM; ASX – ATM; IDX – ANTM) entered the synergize partnership on Mining Services through the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreement on Exploration Assessment, Research and Testing Activities. The signing of MoU and Corporation Agreement between SUCOFINDO’s President Director Bachder Djohan Buddin and ANTAM’s President Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo was held on November 27, 2017 in Jakarta.

The synergize between SUCOFINDO and ANTAM is an implementation of The State Owned Enterprises (SOE) Minister Regulation No. PER-04/MBU/09/2017 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Number: PER-03/MBU/ 08/2017 about Guidelines for Cooperation of State-Owned Enterprises.      SUCOFINDO’s President Director Bachder Djohan Buddin said, "The initial project of the MoU is the coal drilling and exploration mining services on PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk in Bangko Tengah, Tanjung Enim Regency, South Sumatera Province. The synergy will also continue for other prospective projects."  Bachder also said that SUCOFINDO will also support ANTAM’s subsidiaries and affiliates on their business processes which meet with the SUCOFINDO main competencies on inspection, certification and testing services.  SUCOFINDO is a state-owned enterprise with more than 61 years of experience, serving various industries, including mining. SUCOFINDO has a laboratory supported by experienced experts to conduct testing and inspection of mining and mineral products. This is to improve the quality of products / services, including the search activities of mineral reserves.  ANTAM's President Director Arie Prabowo Ariotedjo said, "As a leading natural resource-based corporation, ANTAM understands that the key to Company's sustainability is the new discovery of mineral deposits in the future. The cooperation between ANTAM and SUCOFINDO on the exploration services will bring a good opportunity for us to expand our business and competencies on exploration activity of mineral reserves and resources.”     ANTAM is a natural resource-based state-owned enterprise with major commodities of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite, coal, alumina and processing services and purification of precious metals with operating areas spread across Indonesia. ANTAM's activities are vertically integrated from exploration, mining, processing and refining to marketing activities.  About SUCOFINDO  PT SUCOFINDO (Persero) is the first inspection company in Indonesia established on October 22, 1956. It is a state-owned enterprise, with 95 percent share ownership of the Government of Indonesia.  SUCOFINDO's service business begins with inspection and supervision in the field of trade, assisting the government in maintaining the distribution of goods and security of foreign exchange. 

SUCOFINDO continues to diversify its services in various fields, such as analytical laboratories, engineering, auditing, assessment, consultancy, training and related support activities, including in agriculture, forestry, oil and gas, mining, construction, processing, marine, fisheries, transportation, new and renewable energy, and information technology. 

With the support of 28 branches, 32 service units and 45 integrated laboratories spread across Indonesia, managed in an integrated manner and supported by experts in various fields.    Contact Person:    Iwan Eddy Himawanto  Kepala Divisi Sekretariat Perusahaan  Mob. +6281291119163  Email. [email protected] 

About ANTAM 

PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM) is a leading natural resources based corporation through diversification and vertically integrated activities with main commodities of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite, coal, alumina, and processing services and purification of precious metals. 

Experienced more than 49 years, ANTAM has nickel and bauxite reserves of high quality in large amount. ANTAM's Precious Processing and Refining Business Unit is the only precious metal refining entity in Indonesia that has been certified London Bullion Market Association (LBMA). 65% of ANTAM's shares are owned by the Government of Indonesia and listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).

Contact Person: Aprilandi H. Setia  SVP Corporate Secretary.  Ph. 021-7891234.  Email: [email protected] 
