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ANTAM's Initiation on Fruit Garden Development in Bogor

News Releases

Jakarta, March 29, 2019 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) is pleased to announce that the Company initiated the development of Indonesian's Fruits Garden in Nanggung District, Bogor Regency. ANTAM developed 14 variants of the native Indonesian fruit as many as 515 seeds in an area of 2 hectares. Indonesian's Fruits Garden is one part of the strategic plan for the development of the GeoEcoEduToursim Area after the completion of Mine Underground Museum and Cikaret Tourism Zone (KAWACI) which has    become part of the National Geopark in Bogor, West Java.

  ANTAM's Director of Human Capital & CSR, Johan N.B. Nababan said: "Indonesian's Fruits Garden is one of the implementations of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), especially in the natural conservation sector as well as improving the economy of the community. This program will become one of the infrastructure that strengthens other CSR programs that already exist and even become part of the National Geopark. As a company with good governance in implementing CSR, ANTAM always  creates a sustainable program and supports the improvement of community independence. 

"The 14 original Indonesian fruit variants developed include Rainbow Durian; Longan Durian's Aroma; New Crystal Longan; Verni Longan; Miki Avocado; Alligator Avocado; Kendil's Avocado; Mamey Sapote Proletto; Jumbo Sapodilla; Crystal Guava; Tree Grapes; Kalina Papaya; Jumbo Mulberry; and Miracle Fruit.  

ANTAM and the community implemented the program starting from: Land preparation and structuring which began in December 2018; Planting fruit plant seeds; Construction of irrigation installations; and Care and mentoring programs. The company hopes that this program can provide a stimulus for the development of new added value from the development products of the Indonesian's Fruits Garden cultivation. ANTAM also saw various possibilities for the development of endemic fruit plants in the Nanggung Sub-district, Bogor Regency.   

Through this program, the Company also hopes to achieve educational functions and improve the economy of the community, as well as achieving social and tourism development functions in order to strengthen the Pongkor Geopark which has become a concern 
