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ANTAM Lowers Electrical Load of Ferronickel II Plant

News Releases

Jakarta, July 22, 2015 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ASX-ATM;IDX-ANTM; ANTAM) announced that the company has lowered the electrical load of its Ferronickel II plant due to the damage to the plant's furnace-2 transformer. The incident which caused no casualty occurred in the early morning of Wednesday, July 15, 2015, at 12:05 A.M. Central Indonesia Time.

ANTAM's President Director Tedy Badrujaman said,
"We are currently undertaking thorough investigations of the details of the breakdown of FeNi II Plant's furnace-2 transformer. We are making every effort to expedite repairs and maximize production at other plants so that the potential loss of ferronickel production can be minimized."

Investigations are currently underway to further examine the cause of the damage and ANTAM will immediately announce the results of the investigations through a more detailed press release once they become available. Initial estimates of potential production loss due to plant recovery activities are minimal and to minimize production loss, ANTAM is currently reviewing efforts to boost production at other plants, such as augmenting the electrical load of the furnaces and increasing the nickel content of the plants' ore feed. Concurrently, ANTAM is making all the preparations to file insurance claims related to industrial all risk, machinery breakdown and business interruption to the company's insurers.
