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ANTAM Releases Crested Serpent Eagle Into The Halimun-Salak Mountain National Park

News Releases

Bogor, March 20, 2012 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ANTAM; ASX - ATM; IDX-ANTM) is pleased to release a crested serpent eagle (Spilornis Cheela) back into its natural habitat to preserve the natural biodiversity at the Halimun-Salak Mountain National Park (TNGHS).

ANTAM's Director of Operations, Winardi, the Director General of Forest Protection and Natural Conservation (PHKA) of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, Head of TNGHS, and Head of the Center for the Natural Resources Conservation (KSDA) of West Java were present at the ceremony.

ANTAM’s Director of Operations, Winardi, said:

"This activity is part of our programs to build and develop the Center of Biodiversity Conservation (PKKH) in TNGHS. It is also part of our commitment to preserve the environ-mental sustainability at the surrounding of our operation areas."

The Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis Cheela) is listed as a protected animal under the Indonesian Law No. 5 Year 1990 on Conservation of Biological Resources and Ecosystem and Government Regulation (PP) No. 7 and 8 Year 1999.

ANTAM has built a nursery with a capacity of 500,000 seeds in PKKH. Until December of 2011 ANTAM had planted 356,973 endemic species such as Schima Wallichii, Toona Sureni, Elaeocarpus Ganitrus, Altingia Excelsa, and Michelia Velutina within the 700 hectares of deforested areas at TNGHS.
