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ANTAM Received Highest Award at IQPC 2024 Following to Sustainable Innovation

News Releases

Jakarta, September 19, 2024 – PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTM), or ANTAM,  achieved at the international event by winning the highest award at the International Quality and Productivity Convention (IQPC) 2024, in Manila, Philippines, on September 10-11, 2024.

The event, organized by the Philippines Society for Quality (PSQ), placed four innovation teams from ANTAM, member of MIND ID – The State-Owned Enterprise of Mining Industry, as winners of the highest category (Excellent), following innovations by the Geomin Unit, the West Kalimantan Bauxite Mining Business Unit, and the North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit.

ANTAM President Director Nico Kanter stated that the IQPC 2024 award was proof of the Company's commitment to encouraging sustainable innovation in all business aspects.

"ANTAM continues to strive to create sustainable innovations to increase the Company's value through consistent improvements and adaptation to global developments," said Nico.

The innovations by the four teams are designed to support the Company's operational practices based on the principles of good mining practices and operational excellence while prioritizing occupational health and safety (OHS).

"Our four teams have succeeded in creating innovations that increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the company's operations," said Nico.

SS Jago Buli from the North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit introduced the Jago Buli Crusher innovation, accelerating the sample destruction. As a result, the duration of destroying archive samples, which initially took 19.6 hours, was successfully reduced to only 9.8 hours.

Another team, GCP SICEPAT, also from the North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit, succeeded in accelerating the reporting process of nickel ore sample analysis results with the Sicepat Kilat application based on Google Appsheet. This innovation reduced the duration of the reporting process from 4,227 minutes to 1,722 minutes per month.

In addition, the Alien QCI Team from the Geomin Unit utilized artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT and Google Earth Engine to accelerate data analysis in determining gold exploration target areas. This innovation was used in the preliminary study of gold exploration conducted by the Geomin Unit.

The GKM Super Dream Team HSE Team from the West Kalimantan Bauxite Mining Business Unit also recorded achievements with innovations that utilize organic and inorganic waste recycling to optimize the revegetation system and control erosion and sediment in the reclamation area of the West Kalimantan Bauxite Mining Business Unit operation area.

"ANTAM's commitment is to create a work environment that encourages employees to continue to innovate. By achieving the award at IQPC 2024, We will continue to strengthen the culture of innovation throughout the Company," concluded Nico.

IQPC is an annual event that brings together experts and professionals to discuss, share, and learn about innovation in quality management and productivity. This year, IQPC 2024 was attended by 175 teams from various countries in Southeast Asia.

