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ANTAM Receives Three Green And Three Blue Proper Rating In 2018

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Jakarta, December 31, 2018 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) is pleased to announce it has received Three Green Ratings and Three Blue Ratings during the PROPER Award 2017-2018 for the sound implementation of environmental management by ANTAM's business units and subsidiary.  The awards were presented by the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Ms. Siti Nurbaya in   Jakarta, December 27, 2018.   

ANTAM's Operations Director, Hari Widjajanto said: "This Green PROPER Award is a reflection of the operational performance of the Company that is responsible for the environment and the community. ANTAM always maintains compliance aspects in PROPER in order to achieve the absolute best value possible. The company is optimistic that if this is run consistently, ANTAM will become a part of corporate citizenship that supports sustainable development."   

This year the Green PROPER was received by the Gold Mining Business Unit in Bogor Regency, West Java; The Precious Metals Processing and Refinery Business Unit in Jakarta; and the Bauxite Mining Business Unit in Tayan, West Kalimantan.  The Green PROPER achievement of Three ANTAM's Business Unit is a part of the 155 state-owned and private entities that were awarded by Green PROPER ratings in Indonesia in 2018. 

Green PROPER indicate an entity has exceeded the environmental management government standards.  This means that, in addition to complying with environmental permits and Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL), the company has also made efforts to save water and energy use, efforts to reduce pollutant load, reduce emissions, protect biodiversity, conduct community development programs and contribute to supporting sustainable development.   

While Blue PROPER was received by the Southeast Sulawesi Nickel Mining Business Unit, North Maluku Nickel Mining Business Unit and Subsidiary Entity, PT Cibaliung Sumberdaya. Blue PROPER indicates an entity has met the required standard.   

PROPER is the top program of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for monitoring activities and providing incentives and or disincentives to those responsible for businesses and or activities. The PROPER award aims to encourage companies to adhere to environmental regulations and achieve environmental excellence through the integration of the principles of sustainable development in production and service processes, the application of environmental management systems, energy efficiency, resource conservation and ethical business and responsible for the community through    community development programs. 
