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ANTAM Starts Sale of Green Fine Aggregat Products

News Releases

Jakarta, December 15, 2016 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ASX ATM; IDX - ANTM; ANTAM) is pleased to announce that the Company through its Gold Mining Business Unit (UBPE) Pongkor has commenced sales of Green Fine Aggregat (GFA) products. GFA signifies ANTAM’s environmental management innovation on gold tailing use into construction materials. The sales is part of the commercialization of GFA after the product launch by the Minister of Environment and Forests Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya, M. Sc. on 12 April 2016.

ANTAM’s Operations Director, Agus Zamzam Jamaluddin said:
" The conversion of tailings into value-added products reflects the implementation of good mining practice in ANTAM. We seek to minimize impact to the environment from our mining operations. The sales is the first of GFA commercial use Indonesia. The sales also demonstrates that besides for internal use at ANTAM, GFA can also be used by the community. In addition, GFA is economically viable and highly regarded by the market due to its environmentally friendly characteristics "

GFA is the residual from gold and silver processing in Pongkor gold mine. In gold mining, tailing storage facility (TSF), similar to landfill, is commonly used in tailing management. ANTAM’s Pongkor gold mine utilises a similar approach in tailing management. ANTAM’s GFA plant processes gold tailing into concrete material by using solidification and geopolimerization methods. The plant produces concrete block, paving block, con block, median strips, light brick, brick press, panel/concrete pole, rigid pavement for roads, u-ditch, v-ditch, concrete tiles, tile, concrete ornaments as well as street medians. The use of GFA benefits in minimising environmental concern as well as providing sustainability of Pongkor area inline with the post mining plan.

The use of GFA receives the government’s permit under the Minister of the Environment and Forestry Decree Number 07.86.10 Year 2014 on the Utilization of Hazardous and Toxic Material Waste of PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk Gold Mining Business Unit in Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, West Java Province. GFA is also certified with SNI (Indonesian National Standard). During the initial launch, ANTAM sold 20,527 GFA tiles, 16,422 GFA roof tiles, and 20,363 GFA concrete brick and other GFA variants.
