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ANTAM Supports Government Regulations on the Implementation of Good Mining Practices

News Releases

Jakarta, November 3, 2016   - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM; ANTAM) announces the company supports the government regulations which encourages mining industry players to conform with the mining and environmental management regulations as well as conducting good mining practices. These practices will ensure the creation of sustainable economic benefits and community welfare.

ANTAM’s Human Capital and CSR Director, I Made Surata said:
" As a good corporate citizen, ANTAM, as natural resources based company, encourages both big and small mining players to implement good mining practices. The implementation of good mining practices reflects conformity with various regulations related to mining activities, environmental management and contribution to the state. ANTAM is confident that sustainability between mining activities and the surrounding environment can be achieved in compliance with the laws and regulations. "

Based on one of the Indonesian published scientific journals, small scale mining activity in Indonesia is divided into two types of activities namely legal and illegal mining.

Legal miners meet all government regulations such as operating in the Community Mining License, possessing Community Mining License and conforming with every aspects related to the license. On the contrary, illegal miners do not have mining license. These miners also conduct illegal mining activities at a property owned by a legal miner/property owner and their activities may also include thievery, sabotage and damaging other company’s assets.

ANTAM encounters illegal mining activities in the surrounding area of its Pongkor gold mine. The activities may result in financial loss, disruption of mining operations, work safety hazard and long term environmental damage which will impact negatively to the surrounding community and the local government.

ANTAM receives full support from the Government of Bogor as well as the security force in managing the illegal mining issue.
