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ANTAM Targets Higher Ferronickel Production to 24,100 TNI in 2017

News Releases

Jakarta, 12 January 2017 - PT ANTAM (Persero) Tbk (ASX -ATM; IDX – ANTM; ANTAM) targets higher production and sales of its main commodities of ferronickel and gold in 2017. ANTAM targets 24,100 tonnes of nickel contained in ferronickel (TNi) of ferronickel production in 2017. ANTAM’s 2017 ferronickel production target is 30% higher than 2016 ferronickel production target of 18,500 TNi. Higher target in 2017 is largely due to the completion of the Pomalaa Ferronickel Plant Expansion Project (P3FP). ANTAM is currently conducting the synchronization of the integrated operations of P3FP. In terms of gold production, ANTAM aims to produce 2,270 kg of gold from its Pongkor and Cibaliung mines. The 2017 gold production target is higher than 2016 gold production target of 2,256 kg.

ANTAM’s President Director Tedy Badrujaman said:
" Our 2017 operational targets of our main commodities are higher than the 2016 results. Our ferronickel production target in 2017 of 24,100 TNi is 30% higher than 2016 production target. For gold, we aim to produce 2,270 kg in 2017. Higher operational targets in 2017 illustrates our commitment to continue delivering solid returns to shareholders and stakeholders "

In terms of ferronickel sales, ANTAM targets 24,100 TNi in 2017 over 2016 ferronickel sales target of 19,300 TNi. As ANTAM also conducts gold trading activities, besides sales from its Pongkor and Cibaliung mines. On 2017 gold sales is targeted at 11.4 ton, same as 2016 gold sales target.
