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The Completion of the First Term of Tenure of ANTAM's Board of Commissioners Member and Operation Director

News Releases

Jakarta, March 29, 2019 - PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (ANTAM; IDX: ANTM; ASX: ATM) announced that the member of ANTAM’s Board of Commissioners, Mr. Robert A. Simanjuntak and ANTAM’s Operation Director, Mr. Hari Widjajanto has accomplished the first term of office in accordance with the fulfillment of the Indonesia Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 33/POJK.04/2014 on the Directors and Board of Commissioners of Issuers or Public Companies and in line with Company’s Articles of  Association.  

In reference to the provisions of ANTAM's Articles of Association, the term of office for members of Directors/Board of Commissioners is not exceeding than the period of 5 (five) years commencing from the closure of General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) that appoints them as the members of Director/Board of Commissioner and ending on the closure of the fifth Annual GMS.       

Due to the appointment  date respectively of Mr. Robert A. Simanjuntak and Mr. Hari Widjajanto is on 26 March 2014, in accordance with the provision of Company's Articles of Association, the first period of 5 (five) year tenure conducts on 26 March 2019. Furthermore, Mr. Robert A. Simanjuntak and Mr. Hari Widjajanto is no longer be in charge as ANTAM's Board of Commissioner Members and Operation  Director since the completion date of their first 5 (five) years tenure. 

The ANTAM’s Board of Commissioners and Directors would like to thank Mr. Robert A. Simanjuntak and Mr. Hari Widjajanto for his dedication and best contribution to the Company during their first 5 (five) years tenure in office. To maintain the stability of operation activity, in accordance with the provisions of ANTAM's Articles of Association, ANTAM's Board of Commissioners have an obligation to appoint one of Company’s member of Directors to fill out the duties of vacant position of Operation Director with the equal right and authority.     

ANTAM published this release as part of public disclosure pursuant to the Indonesia Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 31/POJK.04/2015 on the Disclosure on Material Information or Facts by Issuers or Public Companies.
