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General Meeting of Shareholders

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Year 2023

PT Aneka Tambang Tbk abbreviated PT ANTAM Tbk (the “Company”), having its domicile in South Jakarta, hereby announces to the Company’s Shareholders that the Company will hold the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for the Financial Year 2023 (the “Meeting”) on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association, the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 15/POJK.04/2020 concerning the Plan and Implementation of the General Meeting of Shareholders of the Public Companies (“POJK No. 15/2020”) and the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 16/POJK.04/2020 concerning the Implementation of Electronic General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies (“POJK No. 16/2020”), the Company hereby conveys the following matters:

  1. The Meeting Summons will be announced at least through the website of Indonesia Central Securities Depository (“KSEI”), the website of Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Company’s website on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
  2. Shareholders who are entitled to attend/ be represented and vote in the Meeting are the Company’s Shareholders whose names are recorded in the Register of Shareholders of the Company or in a securities sub-account in KSEI at the closing of stock trading day in Indonesia Stock Exchange on Friday, April 5, 2024.
  3. Shareholders representing 1/20 (one-twentieth) or more of the total number of shares with voting rights in the Company may propose Meeting agenda. Such proposal must be submitted to the Boards of Directors of the Company by registered mail including the explanation of the proposed Meeting agenda, at least 7 (seven) calendar days before the date of the Meeting Summons, i.e. on Friday, April 5, 2024.
  4. The Meeting will be held physically and electronically through KSEI's Electronic General Meeting System facility (hereinafter referred to as "eASY.KSEI") with due observance of Article 28 paragraph (2) of the POJK No. 15/2020 and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph (3) of the POJK No. 16/2020, in the event that Shareholders will attend the Meeting electronically or be represented by their proxies, we hereby invite the Shareholders to attend and cast their votes in the Meeting through eASY.KSEI or appoint their proxies through eASY.KSEI facility provided by KSEI or conventionally giving their letter of proxy to the independent proxy to be appointed by the Company using the form provided by the Company and may be downloaded on the Company's website on the date of the Meeting Summons.
  5. As a mechanism for granting the electronic proxy (e-Proxy) in the process of the performance of the Meeting, the e-Proxy facility will be available to eligible Shareholders to attend the Meeting as from the date of the Meeting Summons up to 1 (one) business day prior to the Meeting day, i.e. on Tuesday, May 7, 2024.

The announcement of the Meeting has been lodged to the Indonesian Financial Services Authority, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the Australia Securities Exchange, PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) Electronic General Meeting System facility (eASY.KSEI) and the company’s website. The announcement can be downloaded here.

The Invitation of the Meeting has been lodged to the Indonesian Financial Services Authority, the Indonesia Stock Exchange, the Australia Securities Exchange, PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) Electronic General Meeting System facility (eASY.KSEI) and the company’s website. The invitation can be downloaded here.

The form of the power of attorney to attend the Meeting can be downloaded here.

Annual Report Year 2023 can be downloaded here.

Sustainability Report Year 2023 can be downloaded here.

Social and Environmental Responsibility Report 2023 can be downloaded here.

The 6th Meeting Agenda of the Amendment of the Company's Articles of Association (Matrix) can be downloaded here.

Rules of the Meeting can be downloaded here.

The Summary of Minutes of Meeting can be downloaded here.

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